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Joey emerges from the back carrying a familiar looking white box. Oh, God.

“Of course I iced them. And they have been selling like crazy too, along with everything else today. We’ve been slammed.” He places the box on the counter in front of me and I swallow loudly. “But who gives a shit about cupcakes or anything edible right now. You have no idea how hard it has been to not open this.” He pushes it closer to me. “Now get to it.”

My heart begins beating so hard in my chest I think for sure it will crack my sternum. “Maybe later.” I push it away from me easily. Hmm. Definitely not flour.

“Fuck that noise. Since you aren’t going to freely tell me why you couldn’t get any sleep last night, which I’m just going to assume was because a certain someone was on your mind, you will open this right now.” He pushes it back in front of me and pulls the ribbon.

“Same delivery guy?” I ask and he nods. Not that I really had any doubt. Placing my half-eaten muffin down, I open the box, grabbing the brown card that is lying on top of the tissue.

“Read it out loud,” he squawks.

“No. What if he’s confessing to a murder? I would hate for you to be an accessory.” Joey mumbles something under his breath as I unfold the note and step back, giving myself the illusion of privacy.



Next time I go to Agent Provocateur to replace something of yours, you will be accompanying me.

 X Reese


“Fuck me.” I throw the card at Joey and riffle through the tissue paper, slowly pulling out the pair of purple lacy panties with the tiny ribbons on the sides.

He slams his hand down on the counter. “Jesus Fucking Christ. He bought you panties?”

“Yeah. I mean, he took the ones from the wedding and I jokingly told him he had to buy me a replacement pair.” I stare at the panties, my face instantly heating up at the realization that Reese actually went lingerie shopping for me. Christ, this is seriously hot. “I was totally kidding though.”

Joey re-reads the note several times before he turns to me, fanning his face with the card. “This has to be the hottest note I’ve ever read. Like, I could seriously have an orgasm from reading this.” His mouth drops open and he steps closer to me, admiring the panties in my hand. “Wait a minute. What do you mean he kept your panties from the wedding? You went home without panties?”

I snatch the note back and slip it into my pocket. “Oh, hold off on the judgment please. Like you haven’t gone without your delicates before.” He looks toward the ceiling for a memory and smiles as I laugh at him. “Shit, Joey. How hot is this?”

“Wickedly hot. Sweet Lord, you need to fuck him again and fast before I drug him and drag him over to my side.”

I laugh until my side hurts and am only interrupted when the shop phone rings.

“Dylan’s Sweet Tooth.” I giggle into the phone as Joey studies my panties like a weirdo. “Give those back, you perv,” I whisper away from the phone.


My back straightens and I almost drop the phone. I know that voice. Clearing my throat and pretending I don’t, I answer after a beat. “Yes, this is Dylan.”

“It’s Reese.”

“Oh, hi.” I swat at Joey to get his attention and mouth it’s him. He drops my panties on the counter and quickly snatches the phone away from me. What? No!

“Reese. You stud you. My girl is dying for you to impregnate her.”


He grins and nods as I jump up and try to snatch it. Damn it to hell, he’s tall. “Yup. She just opened your package. Speaking of packages, just how big is your dick? As memorable as she says?” I am going to kill him. Slowly.

Grabbing the phone out of his hand, I punch him as hard as I can in his shoulder as he laughs at me. “Asshole. Shit, my hand. You’re fucking dead, Holt.” I shake my hand in the air and bring the phone up to my ear. “Hello?” I say through a wince of pain. Oh, God. Please tell me he didn’t hear any of that.

“Hi, love. What’s this about you wanting to carry my children?” I can hear the smile in his voice, obviously enjoying himself immensely. I, on the other hand, want to hurl myself into traffic.

“Sorry. Joey drinks.” This is mortifying. “Can I help you with something?”

“Is your hand okay?”

A customer walks through the door and Joey gets to work helping her. After flipping him off, I watch him giggle at me as I slip into the back for some much needed privacy. “Yes, it’s fine, I think.” Making a fist to stretch it out, I smile at my next move. He sends me a naughty note; he’s going to get naughty Dylan. “How’s your hand?”

“My hand? And why would something be wrong with my hand, sweet Dylan?”

I sigh. Sweet Dylan. Lord, help me, this guy is smooth. “Well, I just assumed you jerked off repeatedly at the image of me in each and every item in that store today. In fact, I’m counting on it.” The sound of coughing comes through the phone and I chuckle. “So tell me, why exactly would I accompany you to Agent Provocateur? I’m there enough as it is.”

After a brief moment of just his breathing in my ear, which is making the hair on my neck stand up, he speaks. “Do you own any garters?” His voice is low and taut. Christ, he sounds seductive, even at work.

I can feel my pulse hammering in my neck as I bite my bottom lip. “Maybe, why?”

“Wear one tonight.”

Tonight? I’m going out for drinks with Joey and Juls tonight. Of course, where Juls goes, Ian goes. And Ian must have told Reese. I suddenly can’t wait for drinks.

“You know those cost a pretty penny, don’t you? I would hate to lose such an expensive item of clothing when you decide to steal it.” Even though I wouldn’t mind it entirely. He can confiscate every article of clothing I have for all I care.

“Who said anything about you taking it off?”

I grip the workbench and close my eyes, suddenly feeling like I could combust.



I glance down at my shirt, my aroused nipples highly visible now. I moan softly into the phone before I answer in a whisper, “I’m so wet right now.”

A loud crack rings through the receiver and I know he’s dropped it. Ah, sweet victory.

“Are you serious?” he murmurs and I chuckle at his response. “Shit. You can’t tell me that when I’m stuck at work.”

I run my hand up and around my neck, feeling the clamminess of my skin. “Well, I am. That voice of yours does that to me.”

Joey pops his head through the doorway and I immediately freeze. “Cupcake, we need more éclairs.”

I nod quickly, eyes wide as Joey’s grin gets bigger. “I guess I’ll see you later then?” I ask, moving toward the pastry rack. I know my face is beet red, and I feel like I’ve just been caught masturbating. Shit, I practically was.

He breathes heavily into the phone. “I’m counting on it.” The call ends, allowing me to grab the container of éclairs with both hands after I place the phone down on the worktop.

Turning quickly, I see Joey watching me, arms crossed. “You look all hot and bothered,” he says slyly through his smile.

“I am. And I’m not sure how I feel about it either.”

Sweet Addiction

Books by Trope Character Inspiration Playlists Bonus Scenes Family Trees Love Notes Sketches Just For Fun Favorite Scenes

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