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small town romances and soulmate love

Nolan’s Valentine to Ryan

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Dear Ryan,

Happy Valentine’s Day and Birthday! I hope this gets to you before the 14th. I wanted to give it to you in person but my mom said we couldn’t drive to Chicago because I got school and stuff. I don’t mind missing a couple days. I don’t see what the big deal is. I just really wanted to see your face but maybe we could Face Time? Can you ask your dad? I think he should say yes now. We’ve been talking forever, you know? He’ll let you do it. He has to.

I think Valentine’s Day is cool. My mom gets real happy when my dad surprises her with flowers and stuff. I’d do that for you. I will. I’ll do everything. I’ll get you so many flowers, all the kinds you like. And chocolate too. I know you love chocolate. I’ll find cupcakes that are just as good as the ones your mom makes. I’ll look everywhere if I have to. I’ll look all over the world. I promise.

You know what? This kid at school doesn’t think your real. I told him about you and he said I was dumb cause I made you up but he’s gonna look so stupid when you move here.

Your still gonna move here, right? Keep asking. I really think your parents will let you. They got your sisters so they’ll be ok. You can stay in my room and we can go to the same school. Then everyone will know your real.

I can’t wait until I see you again. If I could drive I would come see you now. When I get my own car I’m going to drive to you every day. I don’t care how far it is. We’re supposed to be together. I really believe that.

Okay I gotta go.

I love you just like my dad loves my mom. I think I love you more than that.

Happy Valentines day Ryan. And Happy Birthday. You’re the best girl I’ve ever met.

Love, Nolan

Books by Trope Character Inspiration Playlists Bonus Scenes Family Trees Love Notes Sketches Just For Fun Favorite Scenes

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