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small town romances and soulmate love

So Much More: An Alabama Summer Novella

So Much More

So Much More: An Alabama Summer Novella


Halloween Novella featuring all 4 couples

Release Date: April 3, 2018

Originally published as part of the USA Today bestselling anthology Eye CandySo Much More is the perfect addition to New York Times bestselling author J. Daniels’ Alabama Summer series!

All four couples from the Alabama Summer series—Ben and Mia, Luke and Tessa, Beth and Reed, and CJ and Riley—come together on Halloween night in this thrilling addition to the series. Between unexpected surprises, haunted mazes, sexy stolen moments, and good old-fashioned trick-or-treating, this Halloween promises shocks, thrills, and happiness for the beloved Alabama Summer crew.

Read an Excerpt »

  • Reed’s POV

    I close the door behind me and lock it, drawing Beth’s attention before she stops beside the table and turns around.

    “So, I was thinking you could use your belt to bind my wrists together, and then tie the rope to the belt?”

    I follow her eyes to the exposed beams above her head.

    God bless Danny for keeping shit rustic in here. I fucking love that guy.

    “You want your hands above your head?” I ask, stalking closer, my fingers working at my belt. I whip it off.

    Beth sucks in a breath. “Yes,” she whispers, tipping her chin up to look at me when I stop an inch away. “God, yes, please.”

    I smirk. “Begging already, sweetheart? I haven’t even touched you yet.”

    “It isn’t going to take much.”

    “Really?” I run my finger down the side of her neck to the dip between her collarbones, feeling the wild hammering of her pulse and the labored swallow she seems to manage.

    “Really really.”

    “Mm.” I take the rope out of her hand and place it on the table with my belt, leaning in to press my lips to her ear. “Get undressed.”

    Beth nods once, immediately reaching for the hem of her shirt. Her fingers tremble.

    “Nervous?” I ask, stepping back to watch.

    “No. Worked up.”


    “Reed, you have no idea. I’m like, the horniest woman ever.”

    “Lucky me.”

    Her shirt hits the floor. Her bra is next.

    Panting, she locks eyes with me and wets her lips, and that’s when I finally look at all of her.

    I stare at her swollen tits, so full and heavy, and the bump she has.

    Being as tiny as she is, Beth started showing early. It seemed to happen overnight. She woke up two months ago and boom. There it was. It shocked us both. Beth seemed a little uneasy at first. But me? I was fucking giddy over it. I still am. I love looking at her. God, I love it. Her body is fucking unreal all the time, but like this? With her nipples a shade darker and permanently hard, just aching for my mouth. The curve of her hips. Her ass, peach-shaped and tasting as ripe as one—I would fucking know. I eat it enough. Jesus. It’s torture looking at her and not touching. But I do look.

    Seconds tick by, and it gets to her as much as it’s getting to me. The waiting. The watching I’m doing. Shyness dips her head.

    “Do you see how hard I am, Beth?” I ask, shoving my jeans and boxers down.

    Head still lowered, she looks at me from beneath her lashes. At my dick, and my hand moving over it. Stroking. I squeeze the tip and moan.

    “Fuck, I don’t think I’ve ever been this hard before,” I rasp. “It hurts, Beth. My dick . . .  God. Do you see it? Do you see how much I want you?”


    She only says my name, but she’s begging me.

    To move. To do something. Anything.

    I grab my belt.

    I don’t need to tell Beth how to position her hands. She knows, and she never hesitates. She never did. Even in the beginning, the first time I did this with her, she was always so willing. So trusting.

    That drove me fucking wild. It still does.

    Linking her fingers together, she extends her arms out in front of her, offering them to me.

    “You were made for me. Do you know that?”

    Her cheeks burn hot.

    I loop the leather around her wrists, pull the strap through the buckle, and tug hard, tightening it.

    She gasps at the pressure.


    “Yes,” she says, nodding, wetting her lips. “I’m okay. I’m okay.”

    “Fuck, I love you.” I kiss her, fast and hard, and grab the rope.

    She giggles. “Wait. What about my pants?”

    “We’ll get to that. First things first . . .” I secure a knot around the belt where the backs of Beth’s wrists are touching and test it, yanking on the end and giving her arms a light jerk. “Wouldn’t want you to get free,” I tease.

    She blushes and bites her lip.



    “So bossy, Mrs. Tennyson. Don’t forget who’s tied up here.” I toss the rope over the thick, wooden beam and pull until Beth’s arms are fully extended above her head. Her back is arched. Her lips parted, breaths leaving her like she’s being chased. If I were to pull any more, she’d go up on her toes, which is typically where I like her to be, but . . .

    “Careful,” I remind her, when her eyes question why I’m not putting any more tension on the rope.

    She nods once and watches me tie the end of the rope to one of the table legs.

    The table is heavy. Solid metal. The only way she’s lifting it and putting slack on the rope is if she starts swinging from it. And that won’t be happening.

    I’m a dirty fucker, but even I have limits.

    “Now, about those pants.” I move behind her and run my hands down her sides, pressing my lips to the skin beneath her ear as my fingers tease the button of her jeans. “Mm. Do you feel that?” I ask, my cock rubbing her hip. “I think I’ll leave mine on and fuck you like this—just my dick out. What do you think? Are you gonna get it nice and wet for me if I do that?” I smile when all she can do is nod, her breathing so ragged she can’t form words anymore. I unfasten the button and slowly drag the zipper down. “But where should I fuck you . . . that is the question. I’ll leave this up to you. Where do you ache most, sweetheart? Here?” I push my hand into her panties and thrust two fingers inside her.

    “Oh, fuck,” she gasps, her back arching away and her arms shaking. “Oh . . . oh, God.”

    “No need to be formal when I’m finger-fucking you, Beth. I’ll answer to Reed.” I chuckle darkly, biting her neck. “Now, option two. I’m going to need to slide these pants down so I can get to that sweet little hole. Are you okay with that?”


    “So, you’re saying you want me in your ass . . .”

    She drops her head forward and whimpers. “You know I do.”

    “I do. I just like hearing you say it.” I pull my fingers out and drag them over her clit until she shudders. “Say it, Beth. Or I’ll stay right here and do this for hours.”

    I’m bluffing. I’m too hard not to fuck her until we both can’t walk, and I think she knows that, until . . .

    “Yes!” she cries out, craning her neck to glare at me. “I want you in my ass, okay? I want you everywhere, Reed. God, just . . . hurry up and do it already. I’m dying. Get in my ass.”

    I smile, keeping my laughter silent, and kiss her cheek. “You might want to watch the volume. I’m pretty sure our daughter can hear you.”

    Beth blinks, eyes going as round as saucers, her lips pinching together into a tight thin line.

    “Horniest woman on the planet. You weren’t lying.”

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