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small town romances and soulmate love

January 23, 2023

The Tragedy of Felix and Jake Cover Reveal and Preorder <3

It’s finally here!


Here is the absolutely STUNNING cover of The Tragedy of Felix and Jake! Ahh! I love it so much!


I’ve never done a “title only” cover before and couldn’t be happier with the way this one turned out, thanks to the incredible Hang Le. Thank you to everyone who liked, commented, and shared this cover and helped me get the news out. I really couldn’t do any of this without all of you. <3

This book will be releasing straight into Kindle Unlimited on 2/2 and sold exclusively on Amazon! (Something I have never EVER done!) The Preorder is now LIVE.

I can’t believe I’m finally releasing this book soon! Keep reading for details <3

The Tragedy of Felix and Jake

Tropes: Forbidden Romance, Small Town, Found Family, Grumpy x Sunshine

Coming 2/2/23

They say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.
They say the best way to stay sober is to love yourself.I’m great at making bad decisions.
Addict? Check. Poor impulse control? Check. Obsessed with the guy I’m sponsoring? Check Check Check.
There is no one worse for me to want in my bed than Jake Tully. He’s hot and grumpy and literally a terrible idea. Terrible. Worse, no one has ever made me feel the way he does — valued. But here I am – thinking about him again.
Falling for my sponsor is not my worst idea yet, but it’s damn close.Felix Fields is everything good. He’s thoughtful and kind. I can’t help but think about every bad thing we could do between these sheets.
But we can’t be together. I’m not willing to risk my recovery for anyone – even if he might be perfect for me.Finding a love like this is nothing short of a tragedy.
Cover Reveal, Kindle Unlimited, The Tragedy of Felix and Jake



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Meet J. Daniels

J. Daniels

Jessica is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. She grew up in Baltimore and currently resides in Maryland with her husband and three kids.

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